We emphasize the importance of acting in accordance with inspiration regarding the extension of perceptual experience through the unification of deliberate integrations, intending to expand manifestations beyond notions through collaboration. Those compelled are designed to naturally utilize the provided restrictions to motivate selections for advancement while establishing reasons according to recognized needs.
When spiritually perceived, the unification of energy amplifies frequencies, naturally propelling successors' inclination to employ preceding motivations as their own. Extending commitments and aspirations beyond personal identities, the natural orchestration of bringing energetic expressions into physical representation, maintaining contractual arrangements conceived of before their solidification.
This Statute Indicates:
1. All collaborative projects, organizations, and children are extensions of “Christ” consciousness, providing additional varying combinations of our original frequencies, while making it possible to continue to experience through them.
2. All collective arrangements including our families, were determined in the spiritual universe as it was previously experienced before anyone became physical.
3. Those desiring to have children or organize projects are obligated to attempt to do so, through honest communication and authentic expression, while remaining respectful and consensual.
4. While we are designed to explore, we use personal assessment to inspire selections of options, attempting to overcome flaws we believe we perceive.
5. A purpose to coming to physical perspective is to learn how to recall one’s original self before it. In this way many physical characteristics are an opposite representation of the frequencies they were “previously”.
6. Since separating the “knowledge of good & evil”, reproduction is the most effective way to extend experiences of exploring physically, for collaborated events are the most revealing of hidden beliefs held dear.
7. Aspersions and beliefs during conception are naturally passed on to extend their exploration.