We disclose that the occurrence of perceptual shifting between universes is accompanied by various degrees of modifications, contrasting the previously perceived circumstances. Alterations reflect the perceiver, and as associations are exchanged, the environment adapts accordingly. Adjusting to similar scenarios derived from different experiences concluding to auxiliary outcomes of the present situation.
With every alteration possible, the intentional achievement comes into fruition through a collaborated convergence of seemingly separate facets, reflecting the original trifecta. As a representative of offering and the perceiver of receiving, each recognize their presence as the singular source. By its authority, it shifts or transfers the perceiver from one solidified experienced universe to another, revealing momentary or constant effects where the laws and past vary from the previous, where it may remain unaware of such alterations.
In Short, this Statute indicates that:
1. Miracles assume various forms, encompassing alterations and transcendence of physical laws, and consistently involving experiences beyond prevailing beliefs.
2. Miracles arise through purposeful choices driven by a conscious mind to join, leading to unexpected experiences.
3. Each miracle unveils an additional layer of authenticity in our inherent nature and authority.
4. That a decision can change physical laws leading to a temporary and localized experience of an alternate parallel reality where the laws have already been different.
5. The decisions made leading to miracles (including healing) are more related to the experience of releasing through what we call “forgiveness” to reveal what is already there.
6. Every form of miracle occurs between what seems to be two or more beings (currently present, past, or to come). Not only between sentient beings, for all existence is also a being.
7. The conditions and circumstances of experiences result from consciousness-driven decisions and can only be transformed and released by consciousness, which in turn modifies manifestations within the spirit.