Additional Clarification:
The only way to develop a unique experience with alternate motivations then the absolute clarity of eternity, is to make an aspect of its self forget (“fall”) for the experience to seem real. The ability of having an actual experience of concepts, could only be manifest from a creator which first has a grasp of the concept. The endeavor of its expression had already been well established by the point of developing the actual ability for entities to have a seeming experience of independent free-wills. In additional dimensions, these choices are given, in others they are given the ability to manipulate them, while more make some with by means of the others. A distinct layered developed to make it possible for it to seem as if that the only one-will that exists has other dimensional experiences that indeed seem to have independent wills.
A bodies life is designed to develop a series of programmings to offer the experience, which in order for it to be an authentic experience, establishes a set of rules that must be followed for it to remain possible. While free to be broken, also does the experience when done so. The programming life has offered is the development of an individual personality, it is made in the fashion to bring about a particular character in a unique story. The layers of this personality make it possible for it to seem as if it is independent, which began before a bodies life. It began with the original frequencies (council) which began generations (non-physical) of new combinations of themselves, endowed with their characteristics, offering theirs to their successors and so on. While this continues in physical perspective, some of these characteristics offered were the ideas of separation and forgetting the beginning, before that there was no birth and nor did all existence not know Christ as themselves, however all possible options of all variations available where all discovered and personally experienced (in that second dimension). Therefore forgetting of the dimension and source of it, was the only option left. Therefore it began a whole new endeavor of variations to explore. In short, the physical world experience reflects this soul experience previously, with the new variations of death and pain. Exceeding of the physical dimension will occur even as the exploration of it has concluded. Many die or begin to have spiritual experiences because the world to them no longer has any interest, therefore they expand beyond it.
There is a goal with free-will, that it start from no-awareness and eventually reach full-awareness of it’s reality again, to know its self. Therefore it’s life is to program independence while instilling the motivation for the growth necessary to expand that awareness. Exploring each layer and variation, in the greatest depth possible, to expand to the next. While there are degrees to the “ego”, it is the beginning of the independent experience of that isolated aspect of consciousness. Simply put, any aspect of consciousness which perceives with or expresses from this aspect can be determined as part of it. Therefore “ego” is every aspect of your personality which believes and acts as if it is separate from all existence and eternity. While it is all physicality, to the independent awareness it is the aspect of consciousness focused on a body and it’s immediate perceived needs.
In order for to achieve what it is designed for, it is made to recognize relevance to the truth and to disguise it in any way possible. There are three directions this aspect of the mind will always take, diversion, direction, or diligence. In many ways when it is successful in its diversion one is completely unaware that it occurred, successfully diverted into another framework of consciousness occurring, weather in active situation or passive even has fallen asleep. Usually it will take the diligent approach before going to directness, which is always an active position working for some thing striving to get somewhere or find something that seems to be lost, simply to avoid the truth. The direct approach can seem as if it admits it, placating with the idea of surrender, only to win you over again and act as your friend. It would do this for only a short period of time and will not fail and putting you on the path again of diversion or diligence. This aspect of the psyche is designed to know exactly what the truth is about who you are, so that it knows exactly how to distract you from it. It cannot keep you from its recognition if it does not know what to keep you from. So as it plays off as yourself it acts as if it does not know, because if it revealed that it did, it would fail in its function and purpose it was designed for.
Levels of interpretation:
Regarding the “ego”
1. Special Ego
As there are many variations of programming necessary for free-will to seem true, it must first be established that it is indeed separate. Therefore there is an isolation of part of the one consciousness instilled with experiences that reinforce the concept of being unique, independent, and special. This isolation requires that there is a lack of collaboration between the area that they see themselves to be, and all the rest of it. Designed with a deliberate disagreement and rebellion against the world of others while designing the world with the same rebellion against them. Undergoing a refinement of its beliefs with association to every emotion and combination of confusion possible. To only begin to agree when a particular lesson is learned, to begin again for the next.
In order for one to believe it is only a specific area within existence, the wholly spiritual universe restrains an area of itself to mimic the specific thoughts of movements to that part of the mind in training. This part is referred to as a “body”, however it remains to be the entire spiritual universe. Your consciousness as Christ moves all existence, however on the pursuit of free-will agreed with by this spirit trained it to think in a specific way by how and what it chooses to mimic. The “body” is spirit which mimics your consciousness, therefore training you to think in a way that moves it. Establishing a space of you and it does not move where it is not currently training you to think.
When well established there is no more recognition of alternate realities and the isolated aspect of consciousness identifies with it being a self with independent wills and different ideas then others around designed to disagree and misunderstand. Motivating a growth of the particular aspect as they see a need for. Using those choices to encourage the journey back to self-discovery.
This position of consciousness is all about survival, it is designed to take what it sees and use it in a way it understands to make sure it’s life continues. It is trained and motivated by the use of fear and pain in correlation to what it believes is real and threatening. In this case it is the body, their families bodies and others they have deemed important and separate from them.
The “Special Ego” summary:
Often this aspect of the persona experience is understood as perceived differences, the obvious aspects of ourselves that are comparable. Usually when emphasized one believes they need to make sure that the world knows that they are different, special, or have something to offer others that they don’t already have. While it’s true on many levels, the insistence upon it reveals that the separation has been learned but the reason for separation is not even a question in their minds.
The confusion developed within this perspective contains an emphasis on there being other people, them being different, and those differences are desirable or not. This can be involving their belongings, appearances or characteristics with the hope that others (if not even someone special) finds ours to be special, important, or helpful. In turn being in agreement that we are indeed separate and different.
2. Empathic Ego
After the perception is oriented around a particular body location, there is a confusion about the movement of energy which it previously has felt freely, start to apply and adapt limitations. These definitions are usually constructed on a basis of association that sensory-bodies perspective and the situation it seems to currently perceive. Training their reactions to correspond to specific isolated “feelings”. Establishing a choreographed set of responses to similar situations, where one believes their free-will is expressing these previously developed confinements of energetic sensation. Usually assisted by the way they perceive their guardians to show them how in their own distorted way, or a coping found on their own.
When all emotions are well-established and defined by previous experiences, one who believes they have free will does not realize that they have been controlled by these previous isolated definitions. Having a sense of blindness to the actuality of the moment choices, because they feel as if they are required to react to situations specifically to the “emotion“ they feel. Often when challenged, they will stand to defend these emotions believing that they are aspects that defined them as a person. Many do not know that they have experience beyond these “emotions“, and therefore they strive to ensure that their emotions are catered to, always seeking out the pleasurable and more acceptable side to them. Not recognizing that their sense of free-will has been isolated to the specific desires.
To the perception of consciousness this distortion of free-will is required to redefine the energetic patterns that it previously knew as liberated, now as restricted offering another additional layer of association to not only its body but succumb to the situation‘s around that body influencing their isolated perspective. Being a very predictable situation in the condition of people's responses restrict one’s free-will to the specifically defined emotions intended for the response.
One cannot recognize who they are when they believe they can feel who they are, while it does have a sensation it is not isolated to a definition of a particular array of sensations. Therefore “emotions” are designed as consciousness developing its own distractions from what he believes is necessary, and it’s already isolated perspective as a body.
The “Empathic Ego” summary:
Often this aspect of the persona experience is understood as perceived sensitivities, where we feel others can say and do things that can easily upset us or seem to be the cause of our enjoyment. Usually when emphasized one tends to believe they not only experience their own emotions but also those of other separate people. While it is entirely possible to do so, the existence of it reveals that emotional definitions have indeed been learned but the recognition of them as strictly definitions of sensations is yet a question in their minds.
The confusion developed within this perspective contains an emphasis on the movement of energy to be defined, ensuring that it has a beginning and end, always changing and often experiencing an “emptiness”. This often involves a confusion on who’s emotions are who’s, and if one can contain or control themselves when they are experiencing them, leading to a blaming on the others they believe in.
3. Social Ego
Interchangeably most of these perspectives happen simultaneously, as one is born they seem to be thrusted into many layers all at once, however one does not begin to integrate a social ego till they have isolated reasoning to the definitions of “embarrassment”. This requires the association of one’s self having complete independence from the others. Therefore they become very aware of differences, almost to a minute degree. They must recognize that they are not the same, for one does not experience embarrassment with all they believe as themselves.
To recognize that others can choose differently then one’s self is a necessary development is the perspective to authentically experience separation as an idea not of your own making. There are distinct times with specific “important” people that everyone must experience this sense of “embarrassment” with, as well as “disappointment” and a degree of “abandonment”. Usually involving our physical guardians, it is always experienced with those who assisted us in our emotional defining. This disassociation is required to completely believe that one is completely independent, alone, and unique.
Everyone experiencing a free-will must go through a traumatic experience emphasizing them as separate, always involving “embarrassment” it seems to become very clear to them that “everyone” feels a different way then they do personally. Putting them in a position that now seems undeniable. What they think, feel, and experience is of themselves alone and it is at this point that they no longer recall any aspect of a previous existence to life, and rarely even the “early” years.
The “Social Ego” summary:
Often this aspect of the persona experience is understood as degrees of a perceived separation anxiety, especially when not properly overcome. Usually when emphasized one becomes very concerned about where they are, who they are with or not, and revert into some panicking, sensory blocking tactics. While it is entirely supportive of the separate existence, the existence of it reveals that one has successfully isolated themselves to particular persons perceived, but then being unique and important here, is yet a question in their minds.
The confusion developed within this perspective contains an emphasis on others having choices beyond their own, enforcing division and rebellion. This always involves what seem to be other beings disagreeing regardless if they are actually in agreement. Leading to the states of loneliness and separation required for the integration of free-will.
4. Independent Ego:
As personality is developed through distinct differences and definitions it already possesses the ability to choose is slowly handed off to the individual perspective. Which previous to this time choices were made for them to ensure the programming of their purpose is fully integrated. Through this process choices are made by assessing what they are to do by “who they are”, unaware that who they are has been designed by this previous programming. Now with all of their past training only in “memory” which are then distorted to not reveal anything apart from fulfilling their purpose as a unique perspective on reality.
At this point, one becomes accountable for their decisions and begin to make choices for themselves, unconsciously catering to their design, while pampering their defined emotions and interpretation. As much as they are able, they begin to explore the world they see as they so choose. Reacting and responding by the distinct archetypes of those definitions they have been instilled with. When particular defined frequencies are aggravated they react with the choreographed responses accordingly, even as they feel inspired by specific associations which they only recall from these distorted “memories” given.
All of these stages can happen at unique times in one’s life, however You can recognize when this state occurs for they begin to make a connection between their actions and words, and the influence they have on others emotions and consequences. While it is entirely possible that for one to mature in specific areas of their life, while remaining at previous stages in other areas, it is not a fully encompassed individuality till they start to honestly recognize responsibility for the condition of their own experiences. It is then, in that specific area of their life that they start to build a construct of them selves and what they’ve achieved and overcome. Where one believes that they have made everything that they are today, and that they may have never had any support in the process from the universe or anyone. Believing they have developed themselves, by them self.
The “Independent Ego” summary:
Often this aspect of the persona experience is understood and perceived as a maturing personality. Usually when emphasized one tends to find safety in exaggerating their uniqueness, whether louder or quieter. They tend to utilize the skills and talents they have believed to have earned. While it is entirely necessary for the unique experience, the existence of it reveals that one is ready to embark on their own journey of life, but the reality of them having never been alone tends to not be a question in their minds.
The confusion developed within this perspective contains an emphasis of diverting attention from relatable attributes and an insistence of uniqueness. This usually involves a state of rebellion from those who taught them previous stages as they attempt to embrace what they enjoy or at least can call their own.
5. Wise Ego:
Having learned a new way of thinking in correspondence with a physicality, it enforces one’s participation and reaction to it’s construct and awareness. Deliberately teaching specifically a way of thinking isolated to its own awareness while denying and refraining awareness of any spiritual or alternate reality. When one is fluently learned, they have established a full spectrum of definitions and constructs of beliefs in the perceptions of their beliefs. Regardless of the depth of their education, they either learn they’re good at something, intermediate, or are terrible at it. In any case they have distorted their perception into the learning of the physical reality sufficiently.
As one grows in experiences, and recognizes how often their previous decisions and definitions of themselves has required adaptability to new situations and people, they start to recognize that what they are is something beyond the confines of these layers of “personality“. Even while they might not study or specifically try to understand it, it is natural that everyone that has learned, one day realize that they are not constructs that they developed and have been designed to believe.
Often at this time there is a state of silence about them, as well as a strong desire for other people to know that they are more than they think they are as well. Often clinging to some sort of spirituality or religion, it is easy for one from these discoveries to have an assessment of themselves being more experienced than others, having more understanding, or more wisdom. Usually coming off as arrogant, passive aggressive, or overwhelming, they tend to see themselves very different than the way others see them as unable to associate to others in a different way than they’ve defined themselves to associate.
As they are eager to give advice, even as everyone’s advice, they only speak to the degree in which they currently understand. Which is necessary to fulfill totality of experience that everyone seek their exploration of the world, and to then offer a unique perspective of sharing and expressing what they have explored and discovered. Often expressing it in a fashion that is received in a distorted way, simply because of the perspective receiving it and their associations to the symbols in the stories. Establishing a recognition in the recipient that free-will has indeed occurred.
The “Wise Ego” summary:
Often this aspect of the persona experience is understood as perceived experienced, cultured, or traveled. Usually when emphasized one tends to be confident and knowledgeable in their explored areas. Often getting into areas where they teach, coach, or advice others on what they have learned. While it is entirely an aspect of the independent experience, the existence of it reveals that they have indeed been fulfilling their purpose, but the question of who they teach rarely crosses their minds.
The confusion developed within this perspective contains an emphasis of the defining of one’s self, restricting the ability for change and growth. This always involves a closed-mindedness set to one’s beliefs and way of thinking, even if that belief supports open-mindedness.
6. Defensive Ego:
Many of these layers are often combined and can be confused with each other as they can seem to be associated to a variety of different situations. Involved in most of the stages of life there is always a protagonist identification which draws you in to the new way of life, then a period of exploring, learning, and/or adapting to the new way of living and seeing, then there is an experience of an antagonist that challenges your certainty in the new understanding. These are not necessarily people but associations to the new endeavor.
Each chapter in life offers various opportunities which teach an adaptation to alternate ways of thinking. They are designed to enhance the development of the persona experience. Most of them bring one further into the separate individual experience, then to share and teach what it has taught them. However, it is never solidified till it is challenged. Every time the challenge comes into fruition it confronts three options, to surrender what has been learned and retract into previous solidified beliefs, to still doubt in what was learned but continue to work towards learning it, or to recognize their certainty in what they have learned and overcome the challenge and then begin to move on to the next stages of the process.
While still learning the lessons in perception needed at the time, these difficult challengers are usually believed as bad, irritating, or even evil. The experience is designed naturally to be an equal counter-force and therefore matches the amount of force the learner exhibits, requiring that they exceed where they are matched to officially overcome and the next protagonist begins to fill their desires. If these things are believed to be people or beings we tend to believe there is a greater force involved then simply the person. As there always is more then the eye can see, when it is a protagonist we tend to worship them with love and adoration, and if it is an antagonist we tend to worship them with fear and hatred.
Before we are properly prepared for a specific chapter of learning in our lives, we do not recognize any benefit or need to partake in the endeavor as it seems to be nothing to us. Then when we are prepared by the previous chapters, we are drawn in by the specific intriguing nature of the protagonist of our next endeavor. While learning we face many exhilarating and challenging moments as we grow and expand. While nearing completion of their lessons we start to find a gratitude for them as teachers and when we have actually learned the lesson they have offered, we tend to think of them as nothing at all, again.
The “Defensive Ego” summary:
Often this learning aspect of the persona experience is often a sensitive and defensive state. As it is still uncertain in the particular area, that it still doubts itself and therefore in all those around as well. Usually when emphasized one could become very certain and easily overcomes however they usually become extremely defensive to the point of rage. While it is entirely natural to do so, the existence of it reveals that, that one is still learning from the specific obstacles and may yet have a question on what it is they are to learn, usually the responsibility that it is them that needs to learn has not yet crossed their mind.
The confusion developed within this perspective contains an emphasis of the ability of others can happen against their own. And that it could confirm our suspicions of being weak and pathetic. This usually involves a convenient event that could drastically change the course of our current situation.
7. Ego Mechanism:
With this development of the free-will concept, every layer and version has required the ability to experience and judge the differences of them with the sensory perceptions. The mental ability to look out and determine the differences of colors and shapes, of what is a person and what is an animal, of what is edible and what may harm. The ability to process the fluctuations of waves in the energy and air to be noise, comprehended as words or the music of a bird. To feel the difference between rough and smooth.
Often we do not question these abilities, and believe “judgment” is specifically of a person's worthiness or value. Yet it is far more pervasive then tolerated, and there is no way to exist in a world of experience and not “judge” at all. Even to use the sensory perceptions is of the minds ability to process the same energy around in different ways. That even the brain is in the same way a sensory receiver, only the information it receives is of the other senses.
This is the recognition of the mechanism which makes it possible to experience a world in the fashion we seem to. It filters out the rest of the various layers of the universes to make it seem as if this is all there is. Yet, judgment of other’s quality is still not supportive on the awakening journey, because these judgments are of a very superficial awareness of the person even on a physical or psychological level. This being one layer of many judgments to overcome, leading to greater depths of what they are. When one is seen as a body, they are seen by a limited mind, with limited eyes, made to filter everything else that they are.
Unless trained differently, the senses were developed to support the specific physical world perspective, and every seeming other person, feeling, or a system is this same one construct. The sensory perceptions do not even exist more then ways the mind has chosen to understand its experience. The thought system which filters all the spiritual existence. Making it possible to interpret the energy of the wholly spiritual universe into the current chosen mental construct of a physical experience.
The actuality of “space & time” is a holographic energetic representation, consisting strictly of wave (movement/sound) and illuminated (radiance/light)aspects of themselves. Offering shape and contrast to a “world” you desire to believe you are in. Because of it’s perfect allowing nature, it is everything you believe without judgment, in a seamless relationship with who you authentically are and who you desire to be. Where even the ability to judge and determine what is of “God” and what is not is a meaningless inquiry. Offering an orchestra and dance as its relationship as your existence, living it with you, as you.
The “Ego Mechanism” summary:
Often this aspect of the persona experience is understood as physicality itself, usually misunderstood as something or placed outside of the consciousness perceiving it. Usually when emphasized one gets caught up in its dramas, stresses and confusion, while attempting to find peace and enjoyment. While it is natural to discover, the existence of the desire for it reveals that there is indeed an association to reality as separate things, and the actual experience of unity is yet a desire in their minds.
The confusion developed within this perspective contains an emphasis of there being other people and things separate and apart from one’s perspective. This always involves dualistic definitions within the consciousness of the perceiver, distorting it’s perspective into physical form.