We disclose that the core essence of every being which derive from the same singular source, originally extended through twelve distinct archetypal frequencies, integrally designed with particular motives engineered to assimilate and approach perceptual reality differently. Each individual is a complex selection, devising particular characteristics constructed of various deficiencies and emphasized attributes, additionally influenced by culture and relationships, they become a distinctive perception, stimulating never experienced decisions and lifestyles.
These seeming random traits of personal development and abilities have been set forth through various predetermined manipulations since the beginning of perceived existence. The recognized predictable attributes inspire additional adaptations to expand exploration, revealing undiscovered possibilities to comprehending the boundless variations of our totality, which they alone can reach and encounter. By doing so, the source of their creation comes to know itself, experienced through them. Wherever they journey, for whatever reason, their source accompanies them, continuously designing them.
In Short, this Statute indicates:
1. Every thing perceived originates from these initial twelve frequency rays which the perceiver saw. They are interference patterns extending from the “Light of God” which it first perceived.
2. Each of these primordial rays naturally embody characteristics by representing different aspects of what the perceiver came to believe about itself.
3. These original twelve archetypes have been referred to as ‘archangels’; all beings are combinations and 'descendants' of them. We all possess different amounts of each one.
4. The different combinations of these original archetypes, develop unique personalities. The times, current way of life, and relationships further influence them to be a never before experience for the perceiver.
5. Every soul, body, and personality are all built with these original archetypes, which have gained many variations through their combinations. You are made specially with all twelve archetypes within you, some you have in excess and some you barely have at all.
6. Each archetype simultaneously simplifies or expands on its complexities whenever the perceiver surrenders or multiplies its concepts and beliefs of itself.
7. Perceiving these “rays” in the light began the the perceiver’s exploration of “God”. There was no movement in existence without its thought to represent, they are the first movements. The first thought was simply of awareness and the spiritual universe flickered into existence, these rays were attributes of awareness as it began to wonder. These “thoughts” have been likened to “words,” though they lacked conventional communication, however now “God” existed as them and through “Christ” it extended “creation” from there.