We acknowledge the ability to breach personal limited perspectives and unite sensory perceptions observed by the same presence seemingly inhabiting adjacent or parallel perspectives within alternate positions, universes, timelines, or dimensions, bridging the apparent space and integrating the seemingly separate entities into a timeless awareness of shared knowledge and experience.
Joining together occurs on multiple levels between all types of beings, most often as an understanding of each other’s purpose or reasoning. Working together physically on projects, reproduction, or in discussion serves as support systems for those who believe they have an edge, a chance to experience a slight fluctuation between them, revealing a moment of absence of differences, bodies, or barriers, leading to the opportunity of experiencing their unification beyond their individual.
The experience of unified consciousness requires vigorous vulnerability and open-mindedness to allow the necessary depth of communication, permitting the alignment of beliefs and synchronization of thoughts necessary to begin the identical manifestation from the same frequencies, appearing as a duplication of the same expression, empowering communication and collaboration with entities of varying abilities from great distances and various dimensions.
In Short, this Statute indicates:
1. Joining is every form of coming together, whether physically, spiritually, or mentally. Every form of joining is helpful for the revelatory discovery of one’s reality. Understanding what it is will evolve as we come to experience the barriers between us dissolving away.
2. Joining is with a consciousness that chooses to surrender its perceived differences to experience a degree of unification with itself seemingly disguised as another. To experience a temporary union of their parts, such surrender requires great exposure of personal inhibitions.
3. It is entirely possible to join with those in the past, present, future, of different densities, or across extreme distances to receive and deliver information or experience with any aspect of the same consciousness. Gaining knowledge, talents, and abilities never personally learned from the recipient’s life experiences.
4. Joining involves multiple layers of relating to each other, with the opportunity to expand on it to involve sharing character, energy, and thoughts.
5. Joining with others present is an alignment of wills, which can seem as if they begin to share thoughts, both joining on representing the same energy frequencies. This can appear to be a merging of the exact same movements, reflecting the same manifestation.
6. It is entirely possible to share each other's bodies, for it is the same consciousness which perceives each of them. Sharing feelings is often a form of communication across great distances. Stories believed to be fantasy are often tapping into the experiences of beings far beyond our physical perspective.
7. Every degree of joining together, whether through activities, conversation, or projects, including sharing talents, abilities, thoughts, and sensory perceptions, is all possible because we all remain to be the “one mind” of the perceiver’s consciousness (“Christ”).