Additional clarification:
It is important to recognize that what is “Synchronicity” in one dimension is not a “Synchronicity” in some others. Even as many have stated “there are no coincidences”, refers to the synchronicity noticed in physical form while acknowledging that there is an arrangement to the scenario from outside of physical form, which they may not understand, but are willing to trust. This often being one’s reason to believe in divine influence. If one’s resistance is accompanying this belief, it becomes a construct to establish their own vengeful thoughts, where they believe that their deities feel the same way they do, therefore they believe everyone “gets what they deserve” whether by the “wrath of god(s)” or by some form of balance of justice like “karma”. While a natural balancing does take place, it is by natural laws and not by conscious arrangement. However, many of these laws are established by conscious’s decisions.
It is within these laws that one is designed to misunderstand these occurrences by projecting what they currently believe about themselves onto things that occur to assist in understanding them. However, it is precisely because of this that many do not understand “God” nor it’s “Son” insisting they are emotionally driven humans, like ourselves. Naturally assuming that “God” is unforgiving and vengeful, directly opposing it’s actuality which is so liberated and forgiving, that it allows everyone to believe whatever they so feel and has no reason to correct these errors.
While a “Karmic” justice is within the natural balancing laws of the universe, they occur by the law of consciousness’s cause and effect creative variables. Being absolutely liberated it is free to confine itself to any chaotic or orderly laws it so chooses. “Karma” in this way is a habit of the consciousness’s ability to create, it relives many forms of experience because it doesn’t currently choose to do it differently. This is why when it believes in its guilt, it will naturally create experience for its guilt to be justified. One is designed to assume that their actions cause what “comes back to bite them” but in fact the action is only the beginning of a string of events which were all an effect of the actual cause.
The entire world of all actions are strictly effects, there is no cause in the representation that it provides. [No more then a cause and effect of physical laws amongst physical things]. It is by this law that the responsibility of all wrath and vengeance remains to be with the creative power of the consciousness experiencing it. Recognize this establishes an order that must be clearly understood before “karma” is realized as it actually is. - One experiences a “feeling” because a frequency became present which they have defined and interpreted in anyway relating to that “feeling”. It is by that “feeling” that they have made a choice of what that frequency will be experienced as. Regardless of the actions taken in reaction to the frequency, the dedication of consciousness will stick to its decisions. Because it is in constant creation this leads to manifested occurrences to justify these choices. Therefore every time it experiences a frequency that it has defined to be suffering, it will remain dedicated in its decision even if it means it’s own suffering, abandonment, and demise.
Frequencies are timeless and therefore always exist, however definition for them to be a specific way are not. Often one believes they will experience consequences because of their actions, when it is actually because of their definition that led to the actions. The string of events that occur thereafter are directly linked to the definition. As one is here to learn their own liberation, it is the natural balancing law of the universe that reflects all definition the consciousness believes, which therefore is pointing at [with the events] to be released. The lesson that will continue to repeat is [“forgiveness”] to surrender the ability of definition and these decisions and in turn [because of its reflection] experience a liberated life instead.
Of course this consciousness is the timeless perceiver and not the percentage aware aspect that one is aware of in their intellect/personality. Therefore these habits of decisions transcend one’s life-time. Even as there are returns of “Karma” from previous life-times, all physicality is continuing to occur by the same laws. Understand that the only “karma” that occurs is by the decisions of a creative being, learning how to use its creative power productively. When “bad karma” seems to counteract productivity, it is because it is training to direct its consciousness away from mis-creative definition and towards its liberated thought system, where the creative power is free to do what it’s meant to and where it was intended to be experienced.
“Good Karma” is no different then “bad karma” for they both are simply interpretations of frequencies, usually referencing to definitions they like and usually crave. When one begins a journey to enlightenment and seeks to “burn karma” they are strictly seeking to “forgive” previous decisions and definitions. This one must be amongst the experience of those frequencies and begin to deliberately choose to think of them differently. This is required in this healing process because what is being healed is the mind of definition, one can not experience a reality beyond what it has defined their reality as. Therefore if one’s definitions (“world”) is not “shaken” to question, they are not likely to change their minds about them. Therefore remaining contained, living them over and over again.
Rapid physical transformations can occur because of the laws they manifest by. If one was to recognize the responsibility as the creator aspect of consciousness they would palpably be able to recognize that they are continually making a decision which is continually being manifest. To intervene this would be to deny the consciousness of an optimal learning opportunity, where it can recognize how to change its mind and therefore change its reality. Eventually it will do this with all the world.
Layers of Interpretation:
On Why things Happen
(Coming Soon)