Additional Clarification:
While each situation has purpose in our lives, also do our lives serve a purpose in our town, state, country and so on. Each layer is understood as an alternate perspective on “purpose” and how they serve it. In this same way does each dimension support each other, however paradoxical they may be, the “higher” dimension can not exist without the foundation of the “lower” ones. Even while they are no longer perceived and are deemed “illusionary” in the current dimensions common perception. Any understanding of your purpose in the “world” is not your eternal purpose which gives reason for existence entirely.
There are common interpretation of purpose in association to the dimensions currently in focus, for those reading this you are most likely fourth dimensionally focused. Therefore purpose is often in association to the consciousness’s application, and what it experiences as an independent body with a beginning and an end and the strive to discover or master the [emotions] energy of the wholly spiritual universe.
Of course there are many symbols put on to different purposes, as we attempt to understand what our purpose is in association to the physical world we see and experience. It is rare that one really finds a purpose beyond what they personally have experienced. Even though theology and philosophy is an applied existential concept to what we see and believe, it is usually recognized as incomprehensible and something that we may never understand. The depth of purpose and it’s absolutely reality cannot be understood, but in its various dimensions it then can be. Even as the “Son of God”has a purpose of its own which it was given by “God” to fulfill, every dimension there after is also given its purpose by the “Son”. While they are deemed illusionary, they are as solidified as the physicality. Usually transcending what you want to be represented and beyond the physical contract.
Outside of the physicality experienced reality there are functions given to the aspects in existence, and the fulfillment of them in particular, is their “purpose”. Even while in general they don’t exist alone. Each dimension has alternate purposes then each other, while within their aspects are ascribed a variety of purposes as seen fit by the perspective.
While the overall purpose of the physical world could be categorized as learning how to relinquish definitions of oppositions from our mind. The eternal purpose of learning the physical world‘s purpose is more related to our comprehension of “growth“ of expansion of awareness throughout eternity. while in the totality of knowledge (“truth”) this purpose is meaningless, however, the fulfillment of the purpose gives the totality of knowledge its completion. Quite literally if the purpose is not fulfilled, neither is the knowledge total. That is to say the dimension of wholeness in which God is, needs every dimension for it to be what it is.
When it seems to you that the “big picture” does not need the “little picture” of your life, there is a misunderstanding in the “picture” metaphor. The reality of the way it works is that all the “little pictures” are contained within the “big picture”, and it would be better said as a “painting’s strokes”. Your life and each and every situation you go through are “little strokes” developing into creating the “big painting” and God being the final (and largest) “painting”. Each dimension, including the “lower” ones develop the experience of “higher” ones. The “lower” dimensions develop and create what you know as your life today, in the same fashion that your life today and what you decide, all develop the “higher” dimensions. So every situation difficult or beneficial in your life play a part in making you who you are and making “God” what “God” is.
Layers of Interpretation:
On Dimensions Purpose