Additional Clarification:
An alternate dimension is always paradoxical to others, finding there laws and properties confusing to those ones currently focused on. Depending on the willingness to comprehend in a different fashion then the dimensions in focus have trained one to use. Because of this, the union of our being can be comprehended in multiple ways, when one is first confronted with the idea they come from the position they currently see themselves to be. Attempting to relate to the idea by association to their surroundings and experiences. While paradoxical, it easily gets distorted providing the next step to eventually reaching complete recognition of this union. It is possible to discover because of what we are with it, a remembering actual experience we have all had.
Levels of Interpretation:
On “Unity”
1. Humanity
Because we experience ourselves as a body with obvious differences then other bodies, the concept of unity is often associated to our similarities. Looking at our one human race with the same necessities and struggles as vulnerable flesh bodies. While this comes with a battle against ignorance, usually hoping everyone will eventually recognize we don’t have separate races but are actually “one human race”.
2. One world
Naturally while one identified with separate bodies, the concept of unity is often associated with the one world or universe we live in. While expanded from the concept united as a nation, it always involves conflicts with others. Inspiring to political concepts bringing us together as one world where “we have to live together and might as well get along”.
3. Teams
As separate individuals we find comfort in joining and supporting each other, therefore the concept of unity is often associated to coming together as a family, a church, a team, or as a community. Sometimes recognizing that there may be a connection between us, either energetic or of consciousness. Where everyone offering their own unique skills to support the group, an old needed survival tactic emphasizing that “we are stronger together”.
4. Soul family
When we do start to discover spirituality, we start to grasp a concept of being more then a body. Starting to recognize a connection we have with others that also surpasses our physical perspectives. We start to see that we have joined lifetimes with other souls and have met up with them again and again. Often associating the concept of unity as collective of souls on a journey among other collectives of souls, battling with a perceived evil and never really knowing if others are truly in the soul-family or not, insisting that “Only love brings us together”.
5. All energy
As we continue to embrace spiritual experiences we start to recognize that our soul doesn’t really have an edge, often associating the concept of unity with all energy of the wholly spiritual universe as one energy energy body, in an “ocean of love”. Often associating with a unified consciousness, but apart from energy, witching energy. However, still possessing a discernment of fluctuations, believing positivity and negativity are different, therefore often insisting we must release the negative and work at “being one in the love”.
6. Light
Often referred to as “source”, there is a point of recognition that all energy derives from something. Recognizing a single source which we have all come, associating the concept of unity to this source. Much like the “Big Bang” theory, everything has derived from the same singularity, however, often interpreted in a fashion that it is not together now and therefore no longer single. Even as an elaborate light show of shadows it seems apart from the source in its display. Usually exclaiming that “we are all from the same star dust”.
7. Consciousness
While all of these concepts are only possible to comprehend by a consciousness, there is a state of recognition that all these ARE consciousness. Association to the concept of unity to there not only being one consciousness but all existence is strictly consciousness. That everyone and thing they experience is all thoughts within this one consciousness, all individuals, all spiritual energy and every variation of bodies are all unified within this same one consciousness, often stating that “we are all the one mind dreaming”.