We experience the purpose of our existence, through the diligent expansion of dimensional experiences, the necessity to progress beyond perceived limitations in order to discover greater aspects of our reality. Recognizing restrictions are intentional veilings of abilities designed to inspire and motivate progression, each requiring a specific mastery of deliberate intention.
In order to explore the sensation of desire and the satisfaction of achievement, there must be a perceived barrier where an experience is unobtainable. An adventure not available to that which is already unlimited. As such an eternal being in reality, striving for advancements already obtained, is meaningless. It is only through its own methodical curtailment that such a boundless being can experience the progressive journey of sequentially awakening its limitless abilities again.
This Statute Indicates:
1. The desire for self-improvement stems from the recollection of our eternal perfection. We compare our everyday experience to it, and when we believe our limitations are unbreakable, it causes us frustration and pain.
2. We only reach for skillful goals, because we not only believe they are possible, but remember our reality as a limitless being, and set forth a mastery of ourselves with them.
3. We believe in enlightenment and ascension, because we suspect a falsity to the current dimensional restrictions and desire to experience beyond them.
4. It is our purpose as the perceiver to advance and expand into and throughout all possible ways. The decisions of suppression of boundless abilities was to make this exploration, within our endless selves, possible.
5. Progress can be measured by comparisons within each dimensional structure, however the continuous advancing of awareness eventually surpasses the confines of each dimensional experience.
6. Each skill you feel limited by, is a motivator for you to embrace the education and guidance of Spirit, to expand the awareness of your reality, which has never had limits.
7. The creation of “Christ” was an intentional “division” to make perception possible. Then it advances, expands, and explores within its own totality.