Additional clarification:
Understand that this is in regard to a continual open mindedness of the ability to add inspirational content to any subject manner of our spiritual journey. As we may be inspired to review previous contents received, current translation leads to future progress. The translation is as important as the information, as we apply it to our personal lives that pass in front of us. The literal meaning of the previously inspired text requires nothing but current transformation of your own spiritual translation. Every religious and spiritual text whether in any format deliberately or indeliberately inspirational can be used leading us to a specific and proper recognition of the spiritual awakening within ourselves. It is not specific for the sense of our discovery of which text is to be used, for when one is on the deliberate attempts of awakening they are activating the spiritual translator within themselves and do use any and all text and works in the manner in which becomes the inspirational works that is specific to their awakening path.
Whenever anyone on the spiritual journey of awakening believes that they encounter some text or works of any creative endeavor in nature and it is not inspiring but contradictory, it is them in themselves which is contradictory to the actual desire of awakening. Those truly desiring awakening will truly translate everything. The lack of willingness to translate anything that seems to be out of accord with your journey is your stepping off of the journey of awakening. Quite literally meaning that if you believe that there are some things that are not inspirational, you are not using your inner-spirit to translate them. Therefore you do not desire awakening but judgment instead, if you insist that you can deem something as inspirational and something not inspirational you are judging your self as some parts of your self as worthy of this awakening and some parts of your self is not worthy of this awakening, and therefore unable to ever accept awakening until you completely accept inspiration. Inspiration is not something that comes randomly from other sources, but a choice within to be inspired form, from everything and anything that could become an encounter. Therefore inspiration is currently recognized by those currently desiring to be inspired.
To be “in-Spirit-ed“ is to go within to your spiritual awareness and feeling if something is in accord with the direction of your spiritual goals. Be sure to recognize that when you choose inspiration you feel motivated by it. In one way or another it opens your eyes, mind, energy, or the full awareness of your being. If you only “resonate“ with it be sure that resonance is in a progressive manner to your goals or you might fall on the literal interpretation and definition of “resonate“ which means to “match a tone”, to match does not indicate progression it is a statement of becoming the same as, while you are the same as everything, in your state of awareness you are not. Therefore to "resonate“ is to choose to be stagnant. The progression only comes from feeling pressure, and un-comfortability for a need of change and growth, if you understood where you were to be inspired to go, you would stay in your understanding. What is uncomfortable about inspiration is the fact that you are going to grow beyond your understanding. Acceptance of the journey and process is the acceptance of whatever you may learn outside of your understanding, eventually to match “resonate“ the new understanding, but until you do you will feel uncomfortable with it. Often making a decision to avoid the un-comfortability and therefore making decisions to never grow or be inspired. To come within, from spirit it embraces all “un-comfortability“ and finds what it actually is, is inspiration leading to your progression.
To be inspired indicates that there is something received, understood or recognized as a progression of your learning and acceptance process on your journey, that’s to say that you can only be inspired while you are on a journey of learning and growing in awareness. That what you previously thought of as inspiring is no longer seen as inspirational. For you have come to a state of “resonating“ with it and understand it clearly and are now “ascending“ beyond it. As the list of inspirational works becomes smaller, it is an indication that the awareness of the perceiver is becoming larger. As much as we want to say that the choice to be inspired finds more to teach them, it is after they have been taught by them they no longer require their teachings. As each of them lead to additional inspirational works along a very eternal journey, leading to the totality of all knowledge of all awareness which is the state of never being inspired. That’s to say what “God“ is never feels inspired, not because it is not choosing to be open, but that it has not chosen to be closed. Meaning it is all knowledge and therefore it has nowhere to grow and learn in its own awareness. Therefore it can be said that “God“ cannot be inspired but is forever inspiring, and with that; one day you will “resonate” with “God”.
Layers of Interpretation:
On what’s Inspiring
1. Objects (“Sign & Symbols”)
Because of the willingness to find inspiration, it can be found in literal objects and situation around. When we want to find inspiration we start expanding our awareness of what can be inspiring. Broadening our perspective to see things as signs from spirit guiding us, interpreting symbols we perceive as their guidance.
One can indeed find much inspiration and be led to enlightenment and divine realization simply from the wholehearted willingness to follow the signs and symbols that they see every day. Setting aside their decision-making, and trusting what they see and interpret.
Often the difficulty arises in the belief that everything is a symbol, and try to follow everything, afraid that they are not doing it right. Giving themselves more than they can handle, and then starting to question what is the symbol and what is not, also following made up interpretations that do not give them the results that they are looking for and begin to doubt the symbols entirely because they start to believe that they are making it up in their own minds and deceiving themselves.
The adjustment necessary when this occurs is a choice for that guidance to be more obvious. It does not have to guide you unless you are already about to make a decision, then you can look for answers for that decision. Excepting obvious and duplicated symbols as guidance, focusing on the fact that you will know when you are being guided to know. Trusting yourself is a major part necessary to trusting spirit's guidance. You cannot do one without the other.
2. Emotions
Often we follow the guidance of our emotions because we want to feel good, naturally averting feeling bad. Not realizing that to follow this guidance is an addiction, and not so much an inspiration. It is entirely possible to learn how to follow emotions, but it is not possible when you believe that there are dramatically different types of emotions, the spirit does not have the ability to interpret its self in the sense of positive and negative (“good/evil“) .
Therefore the common misconception in guidance like this is that it can be strictly guiding you to loving sweet and joyous experiences, but if it does not have the ability to tell the difference then it cannot determine if that is what it is guiding you to. Therefore many do not realize that they are in battle with themselves, and if they want to follow guidance or not. Essentially at war with what is what they want to feel, not realizing that with divine realization every sensation is a “positive” one, and not possible to be a “negative” one. So the guidance is leading you through occurrences that reveal this teaching within you. It will seem as if you feel good at times and feel bad at other times, but when you learn what it is offering you will realize you have always felt good.
3. Motivations
It is natural to find inspiration in the things that you want to achieve. We like to have goals that are specifically pertaining to our physical conditions, and then easily get motivated by anything that is suggesting to support those goals. While the goals are being used by spirit to guide you and help to teach you about your reality, they are a temporary support system in your mind as you try to understand what your reality actually is. You believe that you are actually going to a goal involving the example of losing weight of your body size, in your reality you are not a body at all, however spirit will use your motivations to teach you how to see beyond what it is you think you are doing. You think you are engaging in a new weight loss program, however you have always been engaged in a mind training program. Often the difficulty that arises with this type of guidance is a barrier in the mind that is not ready to recognize that there is a metaphysical side to perceiving what is seeming physical. Making it difficult to understand that everything that they have been doing has been for other purposes than what they have thought it was for. This can easily be adjusted as soon as one realizes that the world may not be what they believe it is.
4. Art
Creative projects motivate to extend our awareness, expanding our minds to think differently then they are accustomed to. Using what we already know and perceive in new constructive ways to share the inspiration with others willing to find new meaning and possibilities. They all rely of our shared physical perceptions and philosophies. However, the sensory perceptions are a remarkable thing, for they seem to be telling us exactly as it is. The eyes seem to be describing exactly how the world looks. The skin seems to be tells us exactly how it feels, and it seems the ears explain exactly how it hears and sounds, and so on. Yet we hardly stop to question if they indeed are telling us exactly as it is. When we are looking for inspiration, we are also looking for “feedback“ meaning there is a sense of return on what it is that we see. We want to see a world, and therefore it shows the world. The return is the experience of the images and sensations it tells us is real. This happens everywhere because of expectations of seeing and experiencing the same things we have chosen to find before. The world and people you see in it all were “inspiring“ to you at some point in your existence. Your world is showing you what you see now because of your looking for it. Your transformation of looking for additional inspiration is the transformation of the world you experience. As your mind opens up your world will open up.
5. Construction
It is most common that we find inspiration in words which we communicate with together. The interesting thing is that we are using this recognition of inspiration to understand each other’s words. When someone is talking you hear fluctuations of sound and make it out to be actual discussions of meaningful or meaningless value. Even as these words on paper are merely squiggly lines, our sense of interpretation requires training to learn how to interpret it in a fashion of understanding these “words“ to mean what the intention of what they were when spoken or written. This continues as we start to place more meaning on the types of words that we are looking at for inspiration. What many would suggest some words mean, those looking for inspiration often apply different or greater meaning to them. The difficulty with this which arises is a sense of misunderstanding that occurs from what the person originally meant, because usually we are not entirely listening to the person directly in front of us but want to hear the Spirit or say “God“ through them. So we often hear a much greater depth of understanding which they may contest they did not mean. However this comes with a sense of satisfaction recognizing that even the main vein interpretation that the person speaking intended, is a much more elaborate landscape open for the experiences of mind transformation
6. Experiences
Often guidance takes you into situations where you get involved in occurrences that naturally push the buttons of your mind so perfectly that it would be miraculous if it was completely random selection. While it seems odd that spirit would guide you into “problems“ it is not odd when you realize that its function is to teach you of your reality. And if your reality is being distorted by these ways of thinking that are in the way of perceiving it, you would have to be put in situations that inspire you to question who you are and the way you are thinking the world is. To question is to open up to being able to learn, deciding that you are willing to expand beyond these problems, and not simply desiring a handout of miracles beyond it. Its function is not to cheat you out of learning. A major obstacle one runs into is comprehending how the learning requires of them. Attempting to understand what they are to do or to change about themselves often leads to simply acceptance. While this indeed is productive, it is easy to fall into the habit of no longer being motivated but instead being tolerating, giving up any say at all and being A “doormat“
7. Beyond
Of course finding inspiration is valid in every type of situation and perception, inside and out. All of this willingness trains you to find that perpetual state of being inspired. Finding a recognition of the giver of inspiration, opening the Gateway of your mind to be in constant communication with “God“. But much like learning to read, you must undergo the evolutionary training of your mind in order to comprehend it. Therefore you will see that you have or will experience all of the layers, these unfolding rapidly into deeper more invasive “mind blowing”inspiration, the more you dedicate yourself to it. With that being said, when you reach the state of “God“ you will no longer be inspired, however it occurs with every layer of inspiration it is no longer inspirational as you reach to the next. You have expanded beyond the need for the inspiration in that form. As your awareness expands so will what inspires you, however also will your interpretation expand of the same old inspiration. You start to find that inspiration is not determined by the things in which you experience or see, but you use them to open your willingness to finding that inspiration. As soon as you realize that, you are able to turn it on anywhere you go, becoming your own inspirer. You will be inspired when you choose to be.