Additional Clarification:
The Separation concept (“knowledge of good & evil” aka “original sin”) makes all of reality seem as if it is bodies among dangers on a spacious world with your time running out. There are as many ways to separate ourselves as there are thoughts, and while it seems as if thoughts make it happen, it is the beliefs which have made thoughts to seem that way. Thoughts are a manifestation of this, even as the rest of the world, they are part of it. On this journey there is always an experience of an intense isolation from the rest of everyone and thing. While meant to be temporary, it is inevitable that everyone who continues to strive to awareness of eternal life, find their way to the entire recollection of complete union of All That Is. Yet those thoughts are always there to affirm the dire reality that you are bound to die instead, and you will believe it till you recognize the “knowledge” has only made it seem as if “good and evil” are separate and made death seem very possible. “Eternal life” is that same “knowledge” unified and you will live a life in the world you think in correspondence to.
Levels of interpretation:
On “Separation”
1. I am alone
A very real experience of believing one is apart from everything, and separate from everyone. Often confused about their purpose or reason for existing, with a dire sense of loss, depression and loneliness. A natural reaction for everyone within a completely cut-off experience from all recollection of purpose, love and union.
If one doesn’t terminate their bodies existence (suicide), they are capable of learning another depth of their experience. Usually beginning with extending out to other persons in relationships, or gatherings with people of similar interest. However, there often remains a sense of loneliness regardless of how many people they are around.
This is a natural experience when one does not believe they are part of something larger than themselves. Believing they are completely isolated in their own decisions among their own will, with their own private thoughts. They have lost their unique function, believing it is not needed by the whole, and therefore neither are they.
2. I am me
Often when making new connections there is an obvious obstacle of one believing others will not accept what is going on in the privacy of their own little minds. Often reacting to these thoughts more then anyone else. Even distorting what others say to be supportive of their isolation and independence.
If one doesn’t hurt everyone they see, they are entirely capable of learning a greater depth of understanding their existence. While their thoughts are insisting they are indeed an independent person, it reinforces itself by deliberately choosing the opposite, if not simply different then anyone else they see.
This is a natural experience when one does not think they are actually free, rebelling against the world even as they have with their parents. Regardless if they understand why they are acting this way, they will always seek out to prove that they are separate because they are indeed different. Yet, exactly the same as everyone else sharing this mindset, at this stage.
3. I don’t understand you
The mind that believes it is an independent person uses many tactics to ensure its beliefs are true. If one understood another completely, they might have the tendency to start believing they have a connection or are even one in the same. Therefore to ensure that this is avoided it is easier to simply seem to not grasp or relate to others experiences or understand their concepts.
If one doesn’t insist everyone else is absolutely stupid, they are entirely capable of comprehending a greater depth of their experience. Even while the mind makes its limitations seem very real, they only appear that way in agreement to your beliefs that what a limitation protects you from is not your absolute joy and happiness. Yet for those with a willingness to recognize this limitation are those who will exceed them.
This is a natural experience for those who fear the magnitude of what they truly are, one of many protection mechanisms to make it nearly impossible to see beyond. However, anything is possible for a mind that desires it. Recognition of what one cannot recognize, understanding of what one can not understand, allowing one to see what one can not see. Is only the beginning of the awakening of this consciousness.
4. I love you
Usually when one starts to find true love through the excuse of another person, there is a distinct difference between the compassion they feel and the frustration, anger and rage they feel. Whether relieving it or giving it they're at a level of perceiving distinct differences of emotions and they completely base them off of situations which could start and end, where another begins.
If one doesn’t get completely tired of constantly shifting emotions and/or changing partners, they are able to discover a greater depth of their experiences. Eventually realizing their only relationship has been with themselves, an idea they have of their ideal partner which none of those outside themselves have ever met.
It is natural to feel this way when you believe you have relations with other people, you can never feel complete in any relationship because you believe they are meant to fill in a space where you are not. Even if it’s only about companionship and support, if you do not recognize everything you know of them are all things you like or dislike about your own thoughts, you can never have a completely functional relationship because you do not see yourself as completely functional.
5. We are one
Through relationships and working with others we often start to notice that words and concepts we are about to share in our own minds are spoken by another just before we were able. We start to have a lofty belief that it may be possible but we have yet to have any concrete evidence of it. We want to believe but still drastically believe that we have our separate minds with some bridge of connection.
If we don’t deem it as pure coincidence, we are able to reach greater depths of realization. Even while we still do not know for a fact, we are open to the concept of having a shared consciousness, which has the same thoughts as those we are currently aware. Where we do not have individual private thoughts, but are conduits of the thoughts we choose to express from the surrounding collective.
It is natural to experience this because it is true, the concept accepted is actually that of an individual persons. Even while it seems the opposite, while you are distracted from the concept of this person long enough you start to allow the inspiration through without hindrance. That inspiration will always attempt to bring people together, for that truth of our union wants to be known and you feel its call to surrender yourself.
6. We are energy
As one authentically embarks on the journey to discover this more in depth, they start to have real palpable experiences of thoughts being joined and even actions being fulfilled with those same thoughts. Sometimes those experiences break down into a flow of the energy of the Wholly Spiritual Universe. Starting to see and feel the motions in and throughout them and their surroundings. Unifying us as energetic beings.
If we don’t insist to define this motion, we are able to experience a greater depth of what is offered there. All of the shapes and elements to our world is developed with, are all based on definitions. We can not experience the fluid energy if we define it into form. That one consciousness designs all reality by these definitions, beliefs, and thoughts.
It is natural to come to this experience for without what seems to make you human, you become what you actually are. These concepts of separation, which you believe in, make you and everyone around you into bodies. This is how the energy of the one Wholly Spiritual Universe works. It represents everything you desire to believe, joining with you in the experience as another entity in the same type of image you believe yourself to be.
7. There is only one
While one attempts to master this awareness, they begin to experience an immersion of all their sensory perceptions into it. Transforming their world and universe, reflecting their achievement of perception without construct. A unified vision without oppositions, being one there is no conflict. Every decision has been made deliberately.
If one doesn’t confuse themselves as the one living but an aspect being lived, then they will be able to experience a greater depth of the experience. Their image is nothing more them an idea experienced by the wholeness of what they are. In every layer of perception, they experience everyone and thing as themselves. Not only a coincidence of thoughts but as their thoughts. Everyone and thing exists because they think.
As these degrees may seem unnatural, it is only by the complete dedication to one perspective that makes it seem so. Whether you believe that you are one among many or united, you experience what you believe because of what you are. You are the one who thinks and we, your thoughts.