Explication Strategies:
“Self-discipline” seems to be a personal endeavor considering the title of it. However, nothing is entirely personal, as in private. Everything you do you do with “God”, in the same regard is there any level of discipline or the lack of, done also with “God”. Therefore self-discipline is referencing to a dedication to be within an experience beyond the current awareness or “habits“ that one possesses. So to understand self-discipline one needs to understand how “God” as the Wholly Spiritual Universe guides and inspires in their lives. “Self-discipline's call“ could be reference to as “obedience“ in complying to the promptings and impulses to the guidance that they are familiar with or attempting to be familiar with. To be disciplined is to take about a personal dedication to following that guidance regardless of where it seems to be taking you. It always teaches you it’s familiarity and then attempt to expand your awareness by guiding you through seemingly troubling, hard, or unacceptable situations. This is not simply a test on your obedience but a sense of stabilizing your dedication. Often people are OK following such guidance when it is by their means remaining in specific subjects. The guidance does not require that you follow it anywhere, but your level of awareness does require that you learn to follow the guidance of your eternal spirit beyond your physical understandings.
There are many levels and stages of what is understood as this guidance and spiritual obedience. And all of them can be helpful if used in an open minded state. Often the dedication combination with obedience leads into extended habitual patterns of spiritual practices. While this is acceptable and possible in guidance, it is important to remain open minded to finding out every day if it is to continue. When something becomes blind and done without question, it is likely to have entered into the realm of habit and may not be what you are still designed to be or an avoidance of asking guidance again. This is most common when one has fear that they can even hear guidance in the first place. This guidance is always personal and may be inspired by others but it’s always unique to yourself. Learning to feel that guidance is the only reason one need take up spiritual emblems and mystical devices. Well they might do so because they believe that they are endowed with special powers, it is always to learn self-discipline and to obey that guidance to do so.
Stages of Achievement:
On Obedience
1. Everything done in this world is a shadow of what is done in the Spiritual Universe, to not follow guidance from one’s eternal spirit is to deny their eternal reality. In the physical perspective your mind is already in a habit of thinking which produces every moment of your experience without questioning separated construct experience. Therefore beginning to question and learning to follow this guidance your eternal spirit beyond form is to break the habit of the physical perspective and start to learn to remember the eternal perspective of the wholly spiritual universe again. So while it might seem obedience is by the commands of another, it is actually the training out of your separate individual perspectives into the unification of the one spirits experience. Better said, you are not learning to obey anyone else, you are learning to obey your higher self. And only your higher self knows your highest and best interests. And while you are learning to recognize it, it is often helpful to turn to others who are sensitive enough to recognize what your spirit is guiding you to do, and know the difference. However, it is important that they must be given the same respect and compliance as if they are your guide, in order to learn through them.
2. Often and easily it is to get confused that guidance is serious and what it is guiding you to “do“ however, it is never actually about what you “do“. It is about your willingness to do so. When you believe you cannot do what you are guided to do it becomes apparent that you believe you can “do“ anything, and therefore do not recognize your eternal spirit. Instead you see a world of rights and wrongs, completely justified resistances to the natural spirits flow. However you cannot know yourself as spirit if you also believe you’re a body in the physical world.
3. Guidance is most popular in relationships, and this is due to the fact of the combination of our biological impulses and our consciousness is comprehension of what it believes is occurring. Even as guidance is not specific on what you “do" but your willingness to do so, relationships are an aspect which is usually obsessed as an obsession of our minds. Therefore much like all obsessions are used by guidance, relationships are also used. Regardless of how “real“ they may be, our belief in them is why they are used. This is not to say that one should not believe in relationships or anything else, this is to say that you are guided by your spirit in any and all areas which you are looking at.
4. Guidance purpose is to teach you to think like it, and while it may seem to use the images you see, it does not think of them as a solid end of a finite structure. While it’s guidance may seem to adapt to your scenarios, it’s guidance only seems to be part of it because the scenario is not finite. It is the images that you see that are not structured in the fashion you believe they are. Therefore it uses them to teach you to remember beyond them. So guidance is known for “changing its mind“ and this is not because it is inconsistent but because its goal is not based on solidity of constructs. Its goal is that you remember who you are, and you are not solidified constructs, and this world is not structured in a fashion that cannot be changed anytime you wish. It only seems to be unable to do so while you believe it without a doubt. However, it is important that if you are to learn to comply to these impulses, that you do not change your mind to follow it.
5. One of the largest obstacles one has on following their guidance is overcoming their own sense of dishonesty. Because it’s not really about the images and what specifically one is called to “do“. One often feels like it is not certain, just like they are uncertain. And while we can shift and change in every moment adapting to what we currently believe and see, we believe it reflects a sense of dishonesty about it because it is not strict and what we call consistent regarding the images we see and the specific things we are called to “do“. So we usually find it hard to trust, because we have used those images previously to prove I own mistakes and miss choices. Believing then that if we did follow these promptings we would fall succumb to mistakes again. However while one learns to obey and follow they quickly discover that when they were younger and made “mistakes“ they were learning to be in physical construct, and now they are learning to follow guidance out of physical construct. Therefore it seems to be in “overcoming“ of previous missteps, which now, even if made, would not be deemed as missteps this time. For the goal has changed, the images have changed, but the guidance has remained consistent.
6. Understanding consistency of the spirit while believing that guidance has brought you into physical form and now leads you out of it can seem to be confusing when physical form seems to be in actuality. However this training has been about dimensional awareness, and leading into physical form was an expanse from the previous degree of spiritual space. While the physical form is still believed to be a fail or a mistake, it will be next to impossible for one to comprehend consistency, believing that consistency has something to do with the comparisons between what is good, what is right and what is a mistake. Instead remember to think of guidance as a training to think like an eternal spirit, while it uses form, it will often lead to experiences that get you to question your reality. Hoping that you will change your mind in seeing your reality differently. Or better said expand your awareness to seeing beyond form. Which would only be the training of this dimensional perspective, which leads to another dimensional perspective with additional training. The key is open mindedness, a recognition that you do not know what is best for you, but you do know that guidance does and you choose to follow that sensation with absolute trust, surrendering your physical form knowing that your spiritual reality will open up to you.
7. Guidance may seem to take you down many roads in different directions and put you in some unusual situations. But remember this, guidance does not see form in the construct that you so believe. You are putting this form construct on top of the spirit, and you make the spirit into unusual situations, from down many directions of roads. It is none of these things until you want it to be. To understand this is to grasp the concept of “changing your mind“, it is not what most commonly the phrase is used in changing the direction of what you want to do, but changing from the physical ability to “do“ to the actuality of the spirit of which you actually are: creating. You will see that when you follow guidance to complete competence, you are no longer obeying its promptings, but instead seeing its reality and experiencing the universe as spirit as the “heaven” it actually is.
"While you still follow promptings you are still learning what this dimensional perspective has to teach. “ - Rev. Devan Jesse Byrne