Explications Strategies:
On a “Wholly Relationship”
There are three degrees of a “Wholly Relationship”, the most common is an everyday type which usually does not recognize itself as one. The second has the intention of becoming aware of their wholly relationship, and the third is a whole relationship as it actually is. The term references the relationship being whole and does not insinuate the completion of it. In a liner perspective of the relationship, it will seem to have multiple changes and adjustments with many lessons and forgiveness opportunities. Regardless if the wholeness is recognized or not.
Please note a relationship is not an intimate companionship, even while that too is a relationship. A relationship between all “persons” is through any association or connection, which all have different Status and an “intimate companionship” is only one of those Status. However, every relation can been experienced Wholly, because they are all with “God”. This is the true purpose of “confession”, to find the support necessary to forgive and liberate yourself, while you can’t seem to do it alone.
Wholeness is of an alternate dimensional perspective outside of time and space, while a relationship is often believed to be one of persons within it. However, the wholeness can not be recognized if it remains associated to partial individuals. Therefore, the goal of a "Wholly Relationship" is not the goal of a peaceful relation between persons, for that comes naturally. It is instead, a surrendering of your person to become aware of what you are beyond time & space, in turn recognizing any other as what they are also beyond time & space.
This process is how to surrender yourself with the help of “another person”, who must also be willing to commit to the process as well. The continuation and completion of the process will expand and heal your seeming relationship together, while the incompletion of it will destroy your togetherness entirely, for you believe being a part from each other could protect you from where you are afraid to forgive.
While it will seem important to you to look into many variations of helpful relationship advice, they all serve a purpose in your process. There is a unique reason you believe that advice is helpful, therefore to use it will serve that unique purpose for you. It is important that when you begin this process you become familiar with the other person so you can have an idea of the differences in your languages and mannerisms. This is to say you have come to recognize that the others word-association and habitual body-languages are different than yours, and mean different things than what you are accustomed. This will clear up as you clear your mind of past inhibitors and distortions.
This process is both over-time as well as a spontaneous session, where you deliberately take the time to join together. However, as this goes beyond time & space the experience done with another always leads to a strictly “personal” experience where no “others” exist. When using the assistance of another, you will surrender yourself to them in the same way you do it personally. This can be helpful when you find it hard to imagine anyone with you while you are physically alone.
You will become aware of things in the other person that you agree with and others you disagree with. Regardless of the degree, these things are evidence of your frequency resistances. That’s to say in a different fashion, colors of a rainbow is a spectrum of the frequencies of the light shining through the prism. For this we can assume your wholeness is the “white light” which shines through the prism, and your partial individuality is based off of resistances which attempt to suppress particular colors in the rainbow. However, the problem resides in the fact that if you deny any “color” in your spectrum, you can not know the wholeness of the white light that you actually are. So this process is in supporting each other in finding, releasing, and shifting (“forgiving”) those resistances, so you can be Whole again.
As you go through these there are three important steps to apply to each one. To exposed, to feel, and to see past. First you will listen to the other as they become vulnerable, exposing their “private” thoughts in the area. Talking about the details of the thoughts and their feelings around them. Be sure to remember, you will quickly recognize your resistances because what is exposed will seem real, and may seem important to you to fix or do something about it. They will continue to pop up in your mind throughout the day and especially when you see them. Believing you see evidence of it in mundane everyday actions they make, and words they say, and they are most likely upsetting to you. This is not their resistances, these are yours. In order to continue you will need a greater willingness then resistance, for if you run and abandon them at this time your togetherness is over. Instead attempt to recognize that “no one (in perception) is perfect” and the more “down and dirty” we get the greater the healing and joining.
When Feeling, you both need to discuss it. Not necessarily the facts of the occurrence but details about your resistances and why you agree or disagree with what they shared, as well as listening to them on why they agree or disagree with it themselves. It is helpful to accept that they are unique and so are you and therefore have different experiences and feelings on the matter. It is important that when you are discussing that you talk about why you believe you agree or disagree and not actually expressing if you do disagree or agree. Instead joining on relatable stories and events in your life that could help you find similarities there instead. Either in craving or aversion of the frequency, you are joining on that frequency together. Sharing the experience of the frequency together, dissolving the privacy of individuality.
To See Past can be one of the hardest parts to comprehend what is to be done, however it is the most crucial. You know when it is not done because even while you have accepted their unique attributes, it still seems to bother you and show up in your mind throughout the day. This is when you should do this session again and focus on your resistances and not make it about theirs. Responsibility is absolutely necessary for it is you who surrender, and you should not be concerned if they do or not. Everyone has some story to relate to every frequency. When you “see past”, you also “think nothing of” and treat what was said as having no substance or value, nor positive or negative. This can not be faked. To give it no value also let’s it pass away and be forgotten, if still remembered, you are still resistant.
An indicator that you are ready for this process is the belief or realization that nothing is “good or bad” but an association to things we have learned in life. Of course this is not to say there are not “rights and wrongs” in society and with others, just a recognition that if there was no society nor bodies then there also would be no “good and evil”. This process will be impossible for you if you are not willing to go there. You will find it impossible to accept the other while you believe they are their actions, because you also insist they are their body. In turn confining yourself to the same restraints. Even while you may not completely accept the fact that the is no “good or bad”, you are willing to understand that when you experience outside of time & space, you will discover the revelation that it is true.
Depending on the degree of familiarity you have with each other it might be better to start this process discussing your cravings and aversions, those things you like and dislike in the world, even simply your favorite things. However the process really begins when you begin exposing those “secrets”. You will quickly realize that the acceptance of yourself is as important as the acceptance of the other. It is not necessary to be touching however it may be helpful to sit facing each other with lots of eye contact.
Each of these lists should be done in order within its respective list, as they go through the frequencies, before you move on to the next list which will deepen the process. Remember, if you think you do not have anything to discuss in any area, you are resistant and are lying to yourself. Keep looking, there is a difference between avoidance and “thinking nothing of”. One can discuss the stories freely with no emotional reactions and the other avoids the emotional reaction. When you recognize the desires to avoid talking about something, it is helpful to talk about being afraid of discuss it and why you are, while preceding to do so.
List Zero —————
• Fears
Expose your fears, terror, worries, discuss the stories of why you believe you are afraid of these things and why you think you are.
• Guilts
Expose your guilts, shames, discomforts, revealing experiences that determine why you believe you are guilty and why you think it’s true.
• Regrets
Expose what you regret, embarrassments, humiliations, talking about the stories you repeat in your mind about the occurrence and why you think you should have done it differently.
• Angers
Expose what makes you angry, frustrated, irritated, discuss all the reasons you believe you get angry and reveal why you feel like inside when you are.
• Deceptions
Expose reasons you lie, deceive, bend-the-truth, reveal those stories that make you feel like you need to lie, times that you found it necessary to distort or hide the truth and why you believe you did so.
• Paranoias
Expose what agonizes you, anxious, suspicious, talk about the times you have felt paranoid and excessively concerned and why you believe that was necessary.
• Disbeliefs
Expose what you do not believe, discuss some beliefs you grew up with and no longer agree with and discuss why you believe you are different now.
…Additional lists in progress