We acknowledge the existence of a tremendous variety of perspectives, each a uniquely crafted combination of archetypes to interpret and focus on different aspects of reality, embracing alternate desires and resistances. Each collective of relatable likeness, is assigned a perceiver granted the ability to recall beyond their collective paradigm. Designed to surpass particular limitations of whom they seem akin, to reestablish their yearning for expansion and exploration.
Each opening up various degrees of our primordial authority, interpreted and conveyed through their unique design and relatable culture. Every perspective emanates from this same original essence and it is inevitable for each to obtain divine awareness, therefore their responsibility to inspire serves as a crucial role in doing so.
In Short, this Statute indicates:
1. Each perspective (individual) is intricately designed to fulfill a specific function.
2. Solely the perspective (and their creator) know if its purpose encompasses the fulfillment of divine-realization ("enlightenment").
3. One achieving such a state, possesses the mastery of embodying any state it has lived before.
4. To fulfill a given function is a calling between the designer and the product designed.
5. Enlightenment can manifest in varying degrees of perception beyond one's isolated view.
6. Varied degrees of knowledge are retained upon returning from such excursions beyond separate existence. Sharing such insights broadens their ability to further fulfill their function.
7. The knowledge one acquires usually contradicts the common understanding within the dimension of individual perception.
"I have absolutely no motivation in this world than to raise a noble family and teach them of the Truth I experience. I am elated when others desire to know this Truth as well, for it also makes them family."
~ Rev. Devan Jesse Byrne